It's my honor to post these photos from the wedding of some very dear friends, Malcom and Sara Jane! What a lovely wedding! And I am just so honored that they included me in their very special day. They had a lovely wedding at the Spring Creek Prairie. It was a beautiful location and despite some challenges with bright sunlight, I think the images turned out great.
When I met Sara Jane, I knew she was a good match for Malcom. They share a passion for art, travel and good books. They are thoughtful, smart and genuine people who make a mark in this world. They also make the greatest partnership I've ever seen. I am so proud to call them my friends.
I remember the day I met Malcom. We were both in an Intro to Poetry class at The University of Nebraska--Lincoln, although this was no introduction to poetry for Malcom. He often debated with the professor and helped lead thoughtful class discussions. Everyone around him was drawn to him. I had just transferred to UNL from Northwest Missouri State for my second semester of my first year of college. I was out of place, while everyone had already found theirs. I knew no one in the class, but I, too, was drawn to Malcom and knew that I had to meet him. It was in that class that I also met my good friend Carrie. My world opened up to me that semester. Malcom and Carrie introduced me to other friends like Mike, Tom, Steven, Suzie and Joy. I was introduced to way more than poetry that semester. These new friends opened me up to new music, bands, art, film and travel. They lived life more fully than I had ever known. They filled me up with long and late night discussions and were right there beside me as I developed into an artist, encouraging me every step of the way. Malcom was even there to help me hang my first photography show.
Enjoy these images from Malcom and Sara Jane's wedding...but be sure to see some pictures from our past at the end of this post!
And then the reception came the next night....
The former roomies... Joy, Malcom and me!
Carrie and Mike jammin as Planet Loop
The old gang together again...Mike, Carrie, Suzie, Steven, Malcom and me!
It's been a really long time since we've all been together in the same place!
Steven having a great time in "Steven-Fashion."
And now a blast from the past... (Excuse the quality...these are scanned prints....)
Christmas 2012
Joy, husband Matt, me, Malcom, his brother Bart
Mischa (mine), Harry and Paul (Joy and Matt's)
A shot from my first camera, my Canon AE-1 with black and white film in about 1995...printed in the UNL darkroom.
Malcom is firing the shutter with a cable release.
Carrie when she shaved her head and Mike from a polaroid toy camera from the 90s.
A couple of different group gatherings in the 90's. (Check out my hair!) The first group shot was taken at the "Hostile House" that Joy and Malcom and I lived in. Notice how I don't look quite comfortable...I was always running in the shot last second after setting my camera on self-timer!
One series of "Mouth Photos" that Carrie modeled for. This one with Polaroids from my SX-70.
"Honey, Sugar, Cupcake, Sweetheart" A comment on "endearing terms" for women.
Malcom when he shaved his head. I documented the whole thing and printed out a series of small photos like this in the style of trading cards.
My first attempt at portraits with a 4 x 5 camera I took at a party at the "Hostile House." Mike, Steven, Carrie and Malcom. (Please excuse the quality...This is a scan of the negatives in the plastic sleeve...lots of dust! It's funny. At the time I made these, there wasn't even an option to scan the negatives! They are kind of flat and gray, but they are fun to see!
And that concludes my nostalgic trip down memory lane for today. I hope my friends will all forgive me for this post. It's been a lot of fun going through old photos and remembering where I started.
I wish the best for you, my dear friends Malcom and Sara Jane! May you live many long and adventurous days together! Hopefully, these images will remind you of your beautiful wedding day for many years to come. Love you!